
Thursday May 22, 2014
More Open farm Sunday news with William Sitwell & Annabel Shackleton
Thursday May 22, 2014
Thursday May 22, 2014
The countdown to June 8th continues with the views of Waitrose Food editor William Sitwell and CEO for LEAF Annabel Shackleton eulogising about the event with Rachel Warren, Holly Parker and Alex Lewczuk ( original TX for `The Midweek Drive Morning Edition` on www.sirenonline.co.uk for Thursday May 22nd 2014 )

Thursday May 15, 2014
The Round Square Plate Debate and more Sci-Fi London
Thursday May 15, 2014
Thursday May 15, 2014
William Sitwell reflects on his recent Lincoln Inspired experience before Holly Parker and Alex Lewczuk connect with Fiona Moore and find out more about the magic of Sci-Fi London ( original Tx for `The Midweek Drive Morning Edition on www.sirenonline.co.uk Thursday May 15th 2014 )

Thursday May 01, 2014
Gin Distilleries, Sci-Fi London , Venus Ganymede and Henri the exisitential cat
Thursday May 01, 2014
Thursday May 01, 2014
Another refreshing wrap-up to the show with William Sitwell and Alan Stevens discussing restaurants, feline existentialism and more with Holly Parker and Alex Lewczuk ( original TX for `The Midweek Drive Morning Edition` on www.sirenonline.co.uk Thursday May 1st 2014 )

Friday Apr 18, 2014
Friday Apr 18, 2014
Rachel Warren and Alex Lewczuk find out about bespoke cowboy weddings and more from Melanie Crouch before discussing a new campaign with a William Sitwell breakfast guest and connecting once again with Dean Elliott and www.thesimonandgarfunkelstory.com ( original TX for `The Midweek Drive Morning Edition` for www.sirenonline.co.uk Thursday April 17th 2014 )

Thursday Apr 10, 2014
The Art of Wine, Hen-houses and Simon and Garfunkel
Thursday Apr 10, 2014
Thursday Apr 10, 2014
The show concludes with more insightful views from William Sitwell, Henny Penny Henhouses CEO Penny Roberts and ace actor Dean Elliott discussing www.thesimonandgarfunkelstory.com with Professor Scott Davidson, Alex Lewczuk and Rachel Warren ( original TX for `The Midweek Drive Morning Edition` on www.sirenonline.co.uk Thursday April 10th 2014 )

Friday Apr 04, 2014
UK County Music , Square Plates and Sci-Fi-London Movies
Friday Apr 04, 2014
Friday Apr 04, 2014
Melanie Crouch reflects on the recent O2 Arena Country event and Tusq feat Sophie, before William Sitwell flies the flag for round plates versus square ones and Festival Director Louis Savy www.sci-fi-london.com looks ahead to some of the festival`s upcoming movie highlights ( original TX for `The Midweek Drive Morning Edition` on www.sirenonline.co.uk Thursday April 3rd 2014 )

Thursday Mar 13, 2014
William Sitwell, Dubai, hedgehogs and Dr Toni Bunnell
Thursday Mar 13, 2014
Thursday Mar 13, 2014
Williams Sitwell shares his recent Dubai Experiences with Alex Lewczuk before the focus on hedgehog conservation comes to the fore with Dr Toni Bunnell ( original TX for `The Midweek Drive Morning Edition` on www.sirenonline.co.uk for Thursday March 13th 2014 )

Thursday Feb 20, 2014
Thursday Feb 20, 2014
The final hour of the show concludes with a parade of perfection with writer Jessica Fisher discussing her award winning play `Ghost Town` ahead of its upcoming performance at the Lincoln Performing Arts Centre, Melanie Crouch enthusing over Templeton Thompson, William Sitwell critiquing a London restaurant, and Shane Rimmer introducing the world to new animated delights- with Alex Lewczuk, Rachel Warren, Katie Grimason & Ed Wellman ( original TX for `The Midweek Drive Morning Edition` on www.sirenonline.co.uk Thursday Feb 20th 2014 )

Thursday Feb 13, 2014
Long-lasting relationships, California, Chicken Kiev and Cheletenham 2014
Thursday Feb 13, 2014
Thursday Feb 13, 2014
Writer, Broadcaster and Relationship expert Christine Webber and former SAS officer / Tough Mudder adventurer Nigel Thomas talk relationships with Alex Lewczuk before Ed Wellman re-appraises the `Chicken Kiev` with William Sitwell and Jonathan Pollinger provides some interesting thoughts on the upcoming Cheltenham festival ( original TX for `The Midweek Drive Morning Edition` on www.sirenonline.co.uk for Thursday Feb 13th 2014 )

Thursday Feb 06, 2014
Toffee the Terrier,Melanie Crouch, Uncle William Sitwell and Fascinating Aida
Thursday Feb 06, 2014
Thursday Feb 06, 2014
Rachel Warren and Alex Lewczuk take a trip from country fairs at Bury St Edmonds via a Melanie Crouch musical choice to the birth of of Violet Reid and Dilly Keane from Fascinating Aida in one of the more surreal TMDME episodes ( original TX for `The Midweek Drive Morning Edition `on www.sirenonline.co.uk for Thursday Feb 6th 2014 )